Friday, February 18, 2011

another stairs

........many things had crossed my mind this past few this never-ending exams.., friends , families n most important this new plan i had for my life.. well, i met one of my old friend (not to mention his name for some reason) last 2 or 3 specific time cause i can't remember much..n he told me that his about to finished up his studies n go to work with a big basic salary in 1 or 2 years from now.which was quiet amazing cuz i don't think his the one with 10 brains . besides..,most of my friends who was doing their diploma will start working soon..

frankly.., i'm jealous..! they were enjoying their studies .. having a nice comfortable exams. get a good results n assigned to a big job with big salary..while i was studying like a mad dog.. having the most terrifying suffocating exams..with some annoying invigilators ,,get the worst results n still studying..studying..s.t.u.d.y.i.n.g! 

at times, happens to regret for some decisions i've once made.. so .., to keep my life as interesting as i've always dream..i came across to this one (maybe) great plan...! i wanna put options to my life path.. i wanna have two stairs which i can choose soon in the future rather than having to walk on the same almost broken stairs for the rest of my life. i wanna make my life meaningful..n if possible .. i wanna have ManyManyManyMany stairs n doors in life..!!

p/s- going back to campus oredi.. i'll continue later..bye..! love, mimy


  1. susah aa klo de org tue cmni..taw nk kje je..

  2. ha ha.. incikchong(kononkonon)memangbaek.., sila jangan cemarkan blog sy kuman KUMIN andan..hehe
